HSIC 2017 The 1st Health Science Internantional Conference Atria Hotel, Malang, October 4th, 2017 Website: http://hsic2017.umm.ac.id/kfz . Email: hsic@umm.ac.id.
Judul makalah yang dipublikasikan pada acara tersebut adalah:
"Strengthening Biostatistical Skills of Medical Doctors and Health Professional through A Handson Approach"
Proceeding terindeks scopus, status : presented
Strengthening Biostatistical Skills of MedicalDoctors and Health Professional through A Hands-on Approach
Gita Sekar Prihanti
Faculty of Medicine University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Correspondence: gitasekarprihanti@gmail.com
In the area of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), biostatistics and epidemiology are considered as the main elements aiding the health professional to design a research study, understand the literature, and make decisions about patient care.Although research in medicine are increasing in number, many educators in medical and health sciences (MHS)faculty do not completely understand the process of statistical investigations and planningstatistical inquiry in medical and health related decisions. Thus justifies the ongoing integration of biostatistical training into medical institution educational settings.Furthermore, planners and policy-makers in the MHS education institutions need to applyresearch-based information to maintain and improve quality of teaching-learning processes.Toward meeting the above objectives, a series of biostatistics workshop in clinicalresearch was designed at Faculty of Medicine University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FM UMM) in Indonesia. The workshop wasdeveloped and implemented to provide medical doctors and health professional with opportunities to get their hands onstatistical investigations.Twenty-five medical doctors and health professionals from FM UMM, other universities and hospital, participated in this intervention, which consisted of four day workshop. We assessed the impact of this intervention through pre and post-workshop evaluations. Significant result were obtained that showed the benefits of a biostatistics workshop in clinicalresearch that can help medical doctors and health professionals to develop a conceptual understanding of statistical ideas and their applicationsto investigate problems of medical and health research(p = 0,0000). The results indicate that workshopapproach can facilitate developing statistical knowledge andskills to solve medical and health researchproblems. Incorporating biostatistics into EBM practice and curriculum would pave new ways into research fields. MHS faculty should include more effective biostatistics training in their faculty development programs and curricula to successfully prepare educators and students for this important lifelong learning skill.
Keywords: biostatistics; evidence based medicine; medical doctors; health professional.